Fix Samsonite Suitcase Lock Jammed Issue features image

How to Fix Samsonite Suitcase Lock Jammed Issue? (Step-by-Step Process)

Embarking on a journey is all about excitement and discovery, but what if suddenly you find your Samsonite suitcase lock jammed and decide to give to a time-consuming challenge before your way? We’ve all been through this situation at least once in our lives.

We understand how it feels when you’re in a hurry and you find out that your suitcase lock is not opening or jammed. This situation is really frustrating, especially if you’re in a hurry. But don’t worry!

In this guide, we’ll be exploring the mysteries behind Samsonite suitcase lock jamming issues and also guide you on how you can overcome these lock jamming issues so that you make sure that your Samsonite suitcase is always ready to roll by your side on your next journey.

Stay with us till the very end of this guide; you’ll surely enjoy it and get some useful information.

Reasons: Why Do Suitcase Locks Get Jammed?

There are various reasons that cause suitcase lock jam issues; these reasons could be because of dust or debris, internal damage, misalignment of the lock mechanism, or entering the wrong combination.

You might be facing any of them, and whatever the issue you’re facing, we’ve done in-depth research for you that will surely help you troubleshoot your lock issue. So go step by step.

Also read: Guide to TSA-Approved Lock: Everything You Need to Know

How to Fix Samsonite Suitcase Lock Jammed Issue: Step-by-Step Guide

As we mentioned above, there could be any reason that you might be facing, and we’re listing them below. We’ll explain each reason and then provide you with the best possible solution that you can implement to solve your jammed lock issue.

1: Entering the Wrong Combination Code

Before you move on to the actual and most common reason for lock jams, you must take a pause and think properly about whether the combination code you’re using is the right one or not.

There might be a chance that your suitcase lock is perfectly fine and has no jam issue. It’s not opening because you put the wrong combination again and again and think that the lock has jammed.

So rethink about the combination code If you find yourself confused about the code or actually forget the combination, then you must follow this guide on how to unlock your Samsonite suitcase when you forget the combination code.

But if you’re sure that you’re entering the correct combination, then you should go with the next actual process.

Related: How to set and reset the Samsonite lock?

2: Lock Jam caused by Dust, Debris, and Grime (the Most Common Issue)

Among the major reasons, this is the most common one, and there are high chance that your suitcase lock might have the same reason.


Dust, debris, and other tiny particles make their way into the lock mechanism. Over a period of time, these particles accumulate and impact the smooth movement of internal lock components.

As time passes, they start attracting moisture, and moisture is the biggest enemy of any mechanical item. When dust, dirt, and moisture accumulate inside the lock, it becomes even worse, especially in humid conditions.

As a result, the moving parts inside the lock, such as springs, pins, and dials, become clogged with dust, which prevents these inner parts from moving seamlessly and freely and ultimately causes a jam issue with your Samsonite suitcase locks.


Fortunately, you might need only one or two inexpensive products and a few minutes to get your suitcase lock moving smoothly again.

Step-by-step spraying process with WD-40
  • Get a can of WD-40 lubricant oil. WD-40 is a general household lubricating oil that can be used for multiple purposes, like bicycle chains, door locks, handles, locks, and even suitcase locks. It’s an excellent product that you must have whenever you need to lubricate mechanical items.
  • You can easily get it either from any nearby hardware store or any online store. Don’t use any other oil, like a sewing machine or cooking oil; they’ll attract more dust and make the condition even worse.
  • With the WD-40, you’ll get a straw that you should attach to the nozzle of the can. This straw will help you go and penetrate deep into every inner corner of your lock, which will undoubtedly help you lubricate it in the best way.
  • Insert the straw everywhere where you find the possibilities, and spray it inside of your lock in such a way that every tiny part is effectively lubricated. Don’t forget to spray around the combination dial and lever of the lock.
  • Make sure that the entire inner lock mechanism is effectively lubricated. Hold down the spray button until you see the overflow from the opening areas of the lock. Once you apply it, it dries very quickly, so you’ll have to apply it again.
  • Wait for a few minutes so that the lubricant can start working and start breaking down the dust, debris, and dirt accumulated inside the lock mechanism.
  • Once you have spent some time doing nothing, turn the combination dials gently in both positions, slide the lever gently, and observe how smoothly they are moving.
  • If the dials and the lever start sliding smoothly and you don’t feel any resistance, your task is done.

But if you find that your Samsonite suitcase lock is still jammed and sticking a little, you might have to go beyond that and use a more effective lubricant like powdered graphite or any silicone-based lubricant.

Wearing gloves while working with lubricant can help you work smoothly and effectively.

Also read: Can you lock your luggage on an international flight?

3: Lock Jammed because of Internal Damage

If none of the methods above worked for you and you still couldn’t unlock your Samsonite suitcase, then there is a high possibility that your lock is internally damaged, and for a normal person, this is definitely going to be a big hassle if he tries to do it on his own.

In this situation, you’re left with two options: either contact a Samsonite authorized store or service center or seek help from a locksmith.

Contact Samsonite authorized center

If you’re lucky enough and your suitcase falls under the warranty period, which is up to 10 years for Samsonite, then you’re more likely covered, and you don’t have to pay anything to get your lock issue resolved.

In this situation, you should surely contact Samsonite. You can either contact them by phone or directly visit your nearby authorized store. If you don’t know any nearby stores, you can find them here. You can also let them know about your issue through email.

You can get your suitcase lock issue resolved even when your luggage is out of warranty, but for that, you’ll have to pay them, which might be a huge amount considering the problem. So it’s totally up to you.

But we recommend that if your suitcase is out of warranty, you should go with the next option, which is seeking help from a professional locksmith instead of contacting Samsonite; it’ll cost you less than what they might cost.

Also Read: How to Easily Contact Samsonite?

Seek help from a professional locksmith

As we mentioned above, if your luggage is out of warranty or, for any other reason, you don’t want to contact Samsonite, then the only option you’re left with is to seek help from a professional locksmith.

A professional locksmith is an expert and really good at what they do. They can solve your lock issue without damaging your lock or suitcase.

In the worst case, when there is no other option except breaking the lock and installing a new one, they can do it as well. They’re more likely to charge you less than what Samsonite can charge you.

Also read: How to lock a suitcase without a lock?

Final Thoughts On Fixing Samsonite Suitcase Lock Jammed Issue

We understand the frustration you might be going through, but the most important thing here is your patience so that you can think properly and find the solution to your problem.

We’ve done our best to help you solve your Samsonite suitcase lock issue. We’ve guided you through all the possible ways; you can go through each of them one by one, and we hope that will surely help your lock work again properly.

We hope that this guide proved helpful to you. Please share your experiences or any suggestions in the comment section below so that we can improve together and help others.

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