Can you bring scissors on a plane in carry-on or checked luggage | luggage lovers

Can You Bring Scissors on a Plane in Carry-On or Checked Luggage?

Do you want to bring scissors on a plane in your carry-on or checked luggage but are confused about whether scissors are allowed on a plane or not? Your concern is valid because scissors are sharp and pointed tools, and TSA (Transportation Security Administration) does have some regulations for pointed and sharp objects.

The precise answer to this question, “Can you bring scissors on a plane?” is yes, you can bring scissors on a plane, but with specific conditions about size, blade shape and how to pack them. We’ll discuss it below in detail.

In this guide, we’ll not only tell you about bringing scissors on planes but also cover various other aspects that you must be aware of so that your journey is always seamless and stress-free. Stay with us to explore TSA regulations about scissors.

TSA Scissors Rules: Can You Bring Scissors on a Plane?

TSA (Transportation Security Administration) allows scissors in both types of suitcases, whether they’re carry-on or checked luggage. However, there are some restrictions that you must keep in mind while you pack your luggage.

tsa guideline about Scissors
Source: TSA Official Website

If you carry scissors in your carry-on luggage, then they must be less than 4 inches from the pivot point. That means the length of the blade from the pivot point should be either less than 4 inches or equal to 4 inches but it should not exceed the limit.

If the length of your scissors crosses the limit of 4 inches, then you’ll have to carry them in your checked luggage, and your scissors must be wrapped securely so that they don’t cause harm to the baggage handler or TSA officers.

The above rule is mentioned on the TSA official website but it never means that if you follow these guidelines, you’re totally covered. The final decision depends on the on-duty TSA officer; they still ask you to carry your suitcase in your checked luggage for some other reasons.

You can also check the TSA official website for updated information.

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Can you bring scissors on a plane in carry-on luggage?

Yes, you can bring scissors in your carry-on luggage. As we mentioned above, there are certain regulations that you must keep in mind while packing your luggage.

The rule for carry-on luggage is that the length of your scissors from the pivot point should not exceed 4 inches. It should be either below 4 inches or equal to 4 inches so that you can ensure to carry it in carry-on luggage.

That also means that scissors that have blades longer than 4 inches are not allowed to be carried in carry-on luggage and must be carried in checked luggage.

Keep in mind that you’re supposed to measure from the pivot point, not the overall length of your scissors.

Even if you can carry your scissors in your carry-on luggage, you might still be asked for further screening by TSA.

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Can you bring scissors on a plane in checked luggage?

Yes, you can bring and carry scissors on a plane in checked luggage but as we mentioned above, you’ll have to follow certain TSA guidelines. The rule of brining scissors in checked lugggae is not as rigid as that of carrying on.

For checked luggage, TSA doesn’t have any specific guidelines related to scissors size, which means you can carry scissors of any size. But TSA does instruct you on how to pack it in your checked luggage.

Your scissors should be sheathed or securely wrapped so that they don’t cause any harm or injury to baggage handlers or TSA officers. This is the only guideline about bringing scissors in checked luggage.

How to measure the length of scissors according to the TSA guidelines?

You must measure the length of your scissor blade only when you plan to carry it in your carry-on luggage but if you’ve already planned to carry it in your checked luggage, you don’t need to measure it.

Because, for checked luggage, TSA is more concerned about how to pack it in your checked luggage than the size of your scissors.

Measuring scissors according to TSA guidelines is extremely easy and simple. Let’s take a look at how you can measure your scissors.

  1. Locate the pivot point: First of all, you’ll have to locate the pivot point of your scissors. The pivot point is simply the screw or joint where both the blades of scissors are connected. You can take a closer look at the image expained above.
  2. Straighten the blade: Now you should ensure that the blade is completely extended and flat.
  3. Measure with a Tape: You can use a measuring tape or a ruler and place one end of the measuring tape on the pivot point and extend it all the way up to the tip of the scissors.
  4. Consider the Largest blade: If your scissors have blades that have different lengths, you should measure the largest blade, not the smaller one or the average of both blades, because the 4-inch scissors limit is applied to the longest blade.
  5. Avoid any issues at security: According to TSA, the length of the blade should not exceed 4 inches, but if your blade is slightly bigger than 4 inches, we’d recommend packing it in your checked luggage to avoid any risk or hassle at security.

This is the complete process on how to measure your scissors according to TSA guidelines but if you still have any doubts about size, pack your scissors in your checked luggage to avoid any issues or hassle at the security point.

Some airlines may have stricter rules than the TSA, so check with your airline before you fly.

Also read: Do Airlines Prefer Hard or Soft Luggage?

How should you pack scissors?

You should pack and secure your scissors properly, whether you bring them in your carry-on or checked luggage.

For Carry-On Luggage

For smaller scissors less than 4 inches, which you carry in your carry-on luggage, you can use a hard-shell case or sheath to protect the blades of your scissors and secure other items as well. There are plenty of scissors protective cases available in different offline and online stores; you can surely choose them if you prefer.

scissors protective case or sheath | luggage lovers
Via Amazon

You can also wrap the scissors in a thick cloth or any towel and ensure that the edges are padded and totally covered.

To add an extra layer of protection, you can also apply tape around the blades to avoid any accidental opening during your travel.

For Checked Luggage

For checked luggage, you must be even more conscious of safety because TSA has especially instructed you to ensure the safety measurement of your scissors.

For that, you should use a sturdy box to keep your scissors and prevent any accidental damage during transit. You can also use bubble wrap to keep it even more secure.

Also read: Are Smart Luggage Allowed On Planes?

Can you bring embroidery scissors on a plane?

Yes, absolutely. You can bring embroidery scissors on a plane with you. Generally, embriodery scissors are smaller in size—even less than 4 inches from the pivot point. So they clearly follow the TSA guidelines about scissors.

embriodery scissors on plane in carry on or checked luggage
Via Amazon

So whether you prefer to bring it in your carry-on luggage or in checked luggage, you can surely carry it with you without any problem. But if for any reason, the embriodery scissor that you have exceeds the length of 4 inches from the pivot point, you can still carry it with you but in your checked luggage, not in carry-on luggage.

Because, according to TSA, any scissors that are larger than 4 inches from the pivot point of the scissors are not allowed in carry-on luggage.

Let us tell you that bringing embroidery scissors is not forbidden by TSA because it completely follows the guidelines of TSA but you should still keep in mind that the final decision rests with the on-duty TSA officer.

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What types of scissors are allowed on planes?

When it comes to bringing scissors on planes, it generally depends on the length of scissors blade rather than the type of scissors. According to TSA guidelines, you can bring any scissors that have blades less than 4 inches from the pivot point.

Here are some of the samples you can bring in your carry-on luggage:

  • Small Sewing Scissors
  • Safety Scissors
  • Small Embriodery Scissors

Scissors that you must bring in checked luggage (not allowed in carry-on luggage)

  • Large Dressmaking Shears
  • Gardening Shears
  • Fabric Shears
  • Large Embriodery Scissors

Closing Thoughts: Can you bring scissors on a plane?

Summing up, you can surely bring your scissors with you both in carry-on and checked luggage. If the length of the scissors blade is less than 4 inches, you can carry it in your carry-on luggage, but if it exceeds the limit by more than 4 inches, you’ll have to pack it in your checked luggage.

Undeniably, you’re allowed to carry scissors under certain conditions, but the final decision still lies with the TSA officer; they may ask you for further inspection.

We’ve covered every aspect and tried our best to help you out. We hope this guide has helped you. If you still have any questions or suggestions, please let us know in the comment section so we can help each other.

Thanks for reading.

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