Are 29-inch suitcases allowed on planes is shown with yellow luggage

Are 29-inch Suitcases Allowed on Planes?

Traveling is an adventure that begins with packing your luggage. If you’re packing a 29-inch suitcase, you might have a question in your mind about whether 29-inch suitcases are allowed or not. Besides this, you might have other questions related to luggage size and airlines’ regulations.

Like, what are the different sizes of luggage? Is 27-inch luggage considered oversized, and is it the best luggage size for international travel? We’ll try to break down everything and help you get answers to some important concerns of travelers.

Stay with us till the end of this guide to explore more about checked luggage. Let’s start with answering the question, “Are 29-inch suitcases allowed on planes?” directly.

Are 29-inch suitcases allowed on planes?

Whether a 29-inch suitcase is allowed on planes depends on the purpose of your luggage. You’re probably asking this question about checked luggage. It might be allowed if it’s checked luggage but for carry-on luggage, no, it’s not allowed.

Let’s see in detail.

As Carry-on Luggage

A 29-inch suitcase is not allowed on planes because it’s way bigger than the standard carry-on luggage. The standard luggage dimension that most airlines follow is 22 x 14 x 9 inches. A few airlines are a little flexible and they allow carry-on luggage up to 45 linear inches.

That’s the reason why most carry-on suitcases are between 19 and 22 inches. A 29-inch suitcase is way bigger than this limit; therefore, it cannot be allowed or accepted.

As Checked Luggage

Talking about checked luggage, a 29-inch suitcase is more likely to be allowed but it’s not guaranteed. Let’s see why.

The most common and standard rule that almost all airlines follow is the 62 linear inches rule, which means that the total of your luggage height, width, and depth should not be more than 62 linear inches.

So add up the three dimensions of your 29-inch and see if it’s within 62 linear inches or not. If your 29-inch luggage is within 62 linear inches, you’re good to go.

But if it slightly exceeds by a few inches, like one or two, you might still be allowed but if you encounter a very strict airline crew member, then you might be asked to pay a fee for your oversized luggage.

Is 27-inch luggage considered oversized?

If you’re asking it for your carry-on luggage, yes, a 27-inch suitcase is surely oversized as carry-on luggage, as we explained above.

But for checked luggage, it’s generally not oversized. Because airlines don’t have to do anything with 27 or 28 inches, what they count is 62 linear inches. Generally, 27-inch suitcases fall within 62 linear inches.

To verify it, take a measurement tape, measure the length, width, and depth of your 27-inch luggage, and then add all three dimensions together. If it’s within 62 linear inches, that means your 27-inch suitcase is not oversized. You can easily travel with your luggage and don’t have to worry about anything.

What are the typical 3 sizes of luggage?

There are three main sizes of luggage based on the airlines’ regulations: carry-on, medium-checked, and large-checked luggage. Each size is suitable for different purposes.

We can categorize them into two categories: one size for carry-on luggage, which we carry with us on planes and the other two sizes for check-in luggage that we’re not allowed to bring with us on planes; instead, they’re checked in in the cargo of planes.

3 pink luggage of different size explaning various size of suitcases

Carry On Luggage

This is the smallest luggage size that fits in the overhead compartment of the airplane. These carry-on bags are perfect for those traveling for short trips where you don’t need to pack a lot. You can expect a few days’ trips with carry-on luggage.

Generally, the size of carry-on luggage falls between 19 and 22 inches. It stays with you all the time and you don’t need to check in for it or pay anything for it.

Medium-Checked Luggage

This is the medium-size luggage that generally needs to be checked in for most airlines, but for a few airlines that are a little flexible with their carry-on limit, it can be carried on as well. So it totally depends on the airline you want to fly with.

Generally, the size of medium luggage lies between 23 and 26 inches. These medium-sized suitcases are perfect for a week’s trip and offer you more space than normal carry-on luggage.

Large Checked Luggage

This is the largest luggage size that always needs to be checked because of its bulkier size. This luggage is perfect for those planning trips for more than a week and needing to pack a lot more.

The general size of the largest luggage is between 27 and 29 inches. There are a lot of suitcases that are even bigger than 29 inches; sometimes a 32-inch suitcase is advertised as a 28-inch suitcase, which is the most common concern of travelers.

You might already know that checked luggage needs to fit within 62 linear inches. No matter what is advertised on your luggage, whether it’s 28, 29, or even 32, the total height, width, and depth of your luggage must not exceed 62 inches.

When you choose luggage for international travel or domestic travel, make sure to stay within 62 linear inches.

Most-Frequently Asked Questions

Is 32-inch luggage allowed on international flights?

For carry-on luggage: No, 32-inch luggage is not allowed on international flights because 32-inch luggage is way bigger than 22 x 14 x 9 inches, which is the most commonly followed carry-on guideline by most airlines.
For checked luggage: it might be allowed on international flights but it’s not guaranteed because 32-inch luggage is generally bigger than 62 linear inches, which is the most common guideline followed by almost all airlines for checked luggage.

Do wheels count when measuring luggage?

Yes, wheels do count when measuring luggage; this applies to both carry-on and checked luggage. Airlines are concerned with the total measurement of luggage, which includes any protruding parts like zippers, wheels, and handles.
This is to ensure that your luggage fits properly in the overhead compartment and the baggage handling system on the plane cargo.
Luggage manufacturers generally hide it from you; they list their suitcases without including wheels and handles so make sure to include them when measuring your luggage.

Can I take a 24-inch carry-on?

No, you cannot take 24-inch carry-on luggage for most airlines because it’s bigger than what airlines follow for carry-on luggage.
Luggage between 23 and 29 inches is considered checked luggage, so most likely you’ll be asked to check in your luggage.

What if my carry-on luggage is 1 inch too big?

If your carry-on luggage is bigger by 1 inch, your luggage is more likely to be allowed because airline staff mostly have a slight margin of error when they measure suitcases, especially when it’s only one inch bigger.
But it’s not always guaranteed, especially if you encounter a strict airline crew.

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